Allyant group hosts festive office warming and networking event


On March 31st, Allyant Group celebrated the grand opening of its new office center by hosting a festive evening and welcoming peers from the financial and online gaming sector.

Our guest of honor, His Excellency, Minister of Finance, mr.drs. Javier Silvania also attended our event, preceded by an interesting meeting with the board of Allyant Group, and dedicated his time to connecting with the audience and exchanging thoughts on opportunities and challenges faced by our industry. This event was a great networking opportunity by bringing together corporate service providers, master license holders, lawyers, accountants, tax advisors and notaries we appreciate collaborating with on a frequent basis.

As a provider of corporate services, Allyant Group has built itself a strong foundation in the past 2,5 years, together with a team of professionals from the industry. Following our continued growth, Allyant Group has recently moved to an upgraded and modern office in the historical area of #Scharloo to better facilitate its clients, in the #boutique style they are used to. We look back at a wonderful event catered/organized by FIIKS & Co., Stardeco, Twitz & Priceless Moment with a glamours entrance, delicious cocktails, a wine bar, tasty bites from the live kitchen and various musicians, which altogether showed to be the ultimate recipe for an excellent vibe.

Our team is still humbled by the warmth and joy of your presence, thank you all so much for celebrating this milestone with us!

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