The first weekend of July was an exciting one, filled with multiple celebrations on the island Curaçao.
Bonnie indeed went over the ocean:
Firstly, the island escaped, like many occasions before, the wrath of another hurricane, in this case Bonnie. The island has historically been blessed with a favorable location for escaping nature’s disasters and this was the case yet again. This favorable location is one of many reasons why Curaçao’s infrastructure is preferred by offshore companies for incorporation. In terms of online gaming companies, the infrastructure also offers continuity and safety in case of disasters like no other. Online gaming companies not only incorporate in Curaçao for this reason, but also have their servers situated in Curaçao to benefit from the environment.
Honoring National Flag Day:
On July 2nd, 2022, Curaçao was able to celebrate and honor its national flag day without any nature-related interruptions. ALLYANT Group was of course present at this honorable celebration. On behalf of all offshore company clients, ALLYANT Group congratulated the people on the accomplishment of achieving its independent identity and flag.
Curaçao’s traditional Harvest Parade:
Then, on July 3rd, 2022 the team of ALLYANT Group was decked out in cultural costume. The team represented their company and all offshore company clients well, in the yearly harvest parade also known as Seú. According to the following quotes from the website of the local monument Landhuis Chobolobo (full article on
“After Carnival, Seú is probably the largest cultural manifestation on the island and it’s a celebration that’s deeply rooted in the history of Curaçao and its population. The word “Seú” can be traced back to Western Africa, specifically to the country Guinea-Bissau. In the Creole language of this country, “Seú” means sky. The sky plays a key role in the celebration of Seú, as it is thanked for the harvest of each year. Seú entails the process of planting, taking care of, and harvesting the crops each year. Therefore, you could say that “Seú” is an agricultural celebration, with clear religious and spiritual aspects. Nowadays the Seú of Curaçao has transformed into a national festivity. It is a cultural manifestation that takes place on the streets, in the form of a parade.”
Building key relationships on behalf of our clients:
It was important for ALLYANT Group to be present. We stand for full representation and establishment of key relationships with the local community and necessary stakeholders on behalf of our clients. The Seú parade is attended yearly by important members of the local government, financial institutions, regulators and essential stakeholders in the gaming and offshore company industry. This was an amazing opportunity to interact in a different way, while continuing to build relationships with relevant parties on behalf of clients.
In true form of ALLYANT Group’s values, the team made sure to have fun but also to represent all clients in full capacity. Attending the parade was also considered an opportunity for ALLYANT Group to express its appreciation and gratitude for the support, trust, cooperation and commitment received in the past year, the seeds that contributed to the successful harvest of ALLYANT Group and its team.
Yet again, clients of ALLYANT Group can be proud of an established, impressive reputation, with tight relationships with the Country of Incorporation.
ALLYANT Group for your offshore company or online gaming company:
If you are looking to establish and incorporate your offshore company or online gaming company, or obtain an online gambling license, ALLYANT Group is the clear best option. Work with us as your fiduciary services provider and representative, that has your best interests in mind and knows how to maintain your company in good standing in all aspects on your behalf. For more information about ALLYANT Group’s fiduciary, business support, corporate services, incorporation, gaming license assistance services, please reach out to us at [email protected].
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